英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-28 13:17:44


        A street advert which uses facial-recognition technology to tell men from women is to be used for the first time.一款通过面部识别技术来辨别男女的广告牌首次在伦敦街头闪亮登场了。
        The electronic hoarding, to be unveiled on a bus stop in London’s Oxford Street this week, plays a 40-second advertisement – with a different message depending on the gender of who is looking at it.这周,在伦敦牛津街的巴士站台上,一个神奇的电子广告牌将华丽地展现在公众面前。它就会播放40秒的广告,内容会根据观看者的性别出现差异。
        Only women will be able to view the full message, which is for a charity promoting female education worldwide. Men will just be directed to its website.由慈善机构设计的这个电子广告牌是为更好地推广世界妇女教育。它只会给女性提供完整的广告内容,而男人只会被引导至相关内容的网站。
        The advert echoes 2002 Tom Cruise thriller Minority Report, in which billboards directly targeted individuals.该广告模仿了2002年汤姆克鲁斯主演的惊悚片《少数派报告》的科技形式,广告牌有明确的目标消费者。
        According to the Independent on Sunday it will guess their gender based on the distance between their eyes, the width of their nose and the shape of their jawline.《星期日独立报》称,电子广告牌是根据人双眼间的距离,鼻子的宽度和下巴轮廓来判断读者的性别的。
        A spokesman for the charity, Plan UK, said: ‘We’re not giving men the choice to see the full ad – so they get a glimpse of what it’s like to have basic choices taken away.’英国计划慈善基金会的一位发言人坦言,”我们不让男士看到广告的全部信息,我们想让他们体验一下性别歧视的感受。”
        Privacy campaigners condemned the advert as ‘creepy’ and experts said it marked a future of personal advertising with ‘no boundaries’.一些隐私权维护者谴责这种广告让人感觉不安和恐惧, 而另一方面则有广告专家表示,该广告的出现标志着未来个人化广告的前景“无可限量”。
        As part of the charity's 'Because I Am A Girl' campaign', the advert - which will have a two-week trial - will use a high-definition camera to scan the multitude of shoppers in the busy street.作为“因为我是女孩”活动的一部分,这个电子广告牌将试用两星期,用高清数码相机扫描大街上来来往往的购物者。
        The campaign highlights that at least 75 million girls around the world are not in school.此次活动特别指出世界上至少有7500万女孩没有接受正规教育。
        It points out that educated girls are less likely to marry and to have children whilst still children themselves and that they are more likely to be literate, healthy and survive into adulthood.活动同样指出,接受过良好教育的女孩通常不会选择在自己不成熟的时候结婚生子,同时她们更可能拥有良好素养地健康长大成人。
        Digital marketing consultant Steven Hess added that such technology marked the 'beginning of a shift from essentially dumb advertising to intelligent advertising' and that it meant that in the future there would be 'no boundaries'.数码市场咨询师史蒂文赫斯补充说, 如此创意的技术预示着一点,那就是过去愚蠢的广告时代向智能广告时代转变的开始,它更意味着未来个人化广告的前景“无可限量”。
        'This will in turn move people from a life of poverty to a future with opportunity. Everyone has a role to play, including boys and men.'“这样从而会使穷困的人们获得更多机会。每个人都有自己的角色扮演,包括男孩和男人们。”
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