1. 使我们失望的是他不顾大局。2. 这个年轻人卖力地促销新产品为的是能得到更多的奖金。
3. 股票的种类数以千计,但买卖最活跃的通常是在纽约证券交易所上市的股票。
4. 我常常一整个上午都憋在座位上扭来扭去,就是不举手。
5. 他只好硬着头皮,装出也不在乎的态度,实际上是勉勉强强地给她牵着鼻子走。
6. The fact that the average Englishman's home has become his workshop is partly because he is keen on working with his hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another that he must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired professional help.(英译汉)
I think your suggestion will work.
2. 有人说她那些当明星的计划完全是不切实际的梦想。
It’s believed that her plans for a movie career had all been merely a pipe dream.
3. 如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。
Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist.
4. 虽然机械手远比不上人手,但某些工作由机械手来做效率会更高一些。
While the artificial hand is considerably less useful than the natural one, there may be some jobs that it can do with greater efficiency.
The kids are just lovely. They are naïve, candid and cordial. They speak straight from the heart, without the slightest insincerity or reluctance.
6. A study of the letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it.(英译汉)