英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-14 23:49:03


  1. 我们的讨论陷入了僵局。
          2. 要是你把蔬菜煮得太久,菜就糊了。
          3. 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从你自己的失败中吸取教训好。
          4. 他突然听到背后有响声,便立刻意识到车库里还有人。
          5. 长江大学位于长江中游的荆州古城,校园总面积4042亩。
          6. In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French de­scent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw.(英译汉)
          1. 他像一只斗败的公鸡似的垂头丧气。
          He was shaken and unnerved like a defeated fighting cock.
          2. 为了腾出库房场地,我们必须廉价出售存货。
          We will have to sell off the overstock to make room in the warehouse.
          3. 他的短文措辞直接精确,为今天的短文设定了判断标准。
          His direct and precisely worded essays set a standard against which today’s essays can be judged.
          4. 他总是说要辞职不干,最后他们索性请他真的辞职。
          He always said he would quit, so they finally called his bluff.
          5. 什么红白喜事,讨媳妇,死了人,大办其酒席,实在可以不必。
          When people wear red or white, that is, at weddings or funerals, the practice of giving lavish feasts can be dispensed with.
          6. When he came back to England at the end of that year, the scales began to fall from his eyes.(英译汉)
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