1. 你胡说八道!2. 烟草商对提高税率非常恼火。
3. 他的衣服很宽大,好像是为比他个子大一倍的人裁剪的。
4. 她的儿子在医学院成绩不好使她很伤心。
5. 毛泽东军事思想的一个重要组成部分,是关于人民战争的思想。
6. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.(英译汉)
1. 我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。
We all admire their dogged efforts.
2. 如果减少电流,电动机的转速就会相应地降低。
Reducing the current, we can correspondingly decrease the speed of the motor.
3. 对她在舞台上假唱的指责是在她去年的一次巡回演唱会开始的
Accusations about lip-synching songs on stage started with her concert tour last year.
4. 别拐弯抹角地解释了,告诉我究竟发生了什么。
Stop giving me circular explanations and tell me what really happened.
5. 改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。
Reform is the only process through which China can be revitalized, a process which is irreversible and which accords with the will of the people and the general trend of events.
6. She found the keys she had lost last month, which was like a bolt from the blue.(英译汉)