1. 我们都很钦佩他们坚持不懈的努力。2. 如果减少电流,电动机的转速就会相应地降低。
3. 对她在舞台上假唱的指责是在她去年的一次巡回演唱会开始的
4. 别拐弯抹角地解释了,告诉我究竟发生了什么。
5. 改革是振兴中国的唯一出路,是人心所向,大势所趋,不可逆转。
6. She found the keys she had lost last month, which was like a bolt from the blue.(英译汉)
1. 一封好的商业书信应该是明确的、直截了当的。
A good business letter should be precise and to the point.
2. 城市生活的质量已被过度的噪音所破坏。
The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels.
3. 素食者摄取的蛋白质并非来自肉类,而是来自类似肉类的食物。
A vegetarian gets protein not from meat but from its analogues.
4. 疟疾是通过蚊虫叮咬向人体传播寄生虫而感染的。
Malaria is caused via (by a) parasite which is passed to humans through mosquito bites.
5. 不论你是一个多么聪明和精力旺盛的人,事必躬亲是错误的做法。
No matter how smart and energetic you are, it's a mistake to try to attend to every detail yourself.
6. Looking for a job haphazardly, because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting, you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you, and then you'll have to leave it to find something else.(英译汉)