英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-14 23:45:51


  1.我不爱吃芥末, 这东西太辣了。
          2.她太骄傲了, 看不到自己的错误。
          6. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.(英译汉)
          1. 在初学的阶段,由小学至大学,我们与其倡言趣味,不如偏重纪律。
          During the preliminary stage of learning, from primary school to college, it is better to advocate discipline than interest.
          2. 一个合理编列的课程表,犹如一个营养均衡的食谱,里面各个项目都是有益而必须的,不可偏废,不可再有选择。
          A properly arranged school curriculum, like a cookbook on nutritionally well-balanced food, must include all the useful and indispensable courses---courses which are equally important and obligatory.
          3. 所谓选修科目也只是在某一项目范围内略有捡选余地而以。
          The so-called electives mean only some little option within the scope of a certain item.
          4. 学问要有根底,根底要打得平正结实,以后永远受用。初学阶段的科目之中最重要的莫过于语文与数学。
          Laying a solid foundation for learning will be of great lifelong benefit to you. Of all the school subjects during the preliminary stage of learning, languages and mathematics are the most important.
          5. 总之,我们在求学时代,应该暂且把趣味放在一边,耐着性子接受教育的纪律,把自己锻炼成为坚实的材料。学问的趣味,留在将来慢慢享受一点也不迟。
          In short, while in school, we should temporarily put aside our personal liking and patiently observe school discipline so that we may temper ourselves and become solid stuff. Don’t hurry---there will be a time for you to find relish in learning in the days to come.
          6. The old man said, “They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are.”
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