英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-14 23:45:11


  1. 前几天,窗外一阵阵的喧哗笑声,惊动了我。往外看时,原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢!女学生穿的羽绒衣,毛衣,红红绿绿的;男学生有的穿绿军装,有的穿深色的衣服。他们拿着种种工具,锄土的锄土,铲土的铲土,安放矮栏的就在场地边上安插下小铁栏杆。看来我们楼前这一大片土地,将会被这群青年人整治成一座绿草成茵、繁花似锦的公园……
          2. The mother is undergoing the joyful pain, and the painful joy of childbirth. (英译汉)
          1. 天下的事只要人努力去干,什么事不可能?
          Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
          2. 事业愈大则困难亦愈甚,抵抗困难的时期也随之俱长,有的尽我们的一生尚不能目见其成者,我们若能尽其中一段的工夫,替后人开辟一段道路,或长或短,即是贡献。有所成功以备后人参考,固是贡献;即因尝试而失败,使后人有所借镜,亦是贡献。所以能向前努力者,无论成败,都有贡献。最无丝毫贡献者是不干,怕失败而不敢干,或半途遇着困难便不愿干。
          The greater an undertaking, the more difficult it is, and the longer it will take to accomplish it. Sometimes it can't be accomplished even after a lifetime of effort. But it will nevertheless be a contribution of ours if we can devote part of our lifetime to opening up a way, long or short, for the future generations. The same is true if what little we have done serves as a good example to them, or if our fruitless efforts serve as a useful lesson to them. Therefore, succeed or fail, one is considered to have made a contribution so long as he has tried his utmost. Those who refuse to act, those who are afraid to act for fear of failure and those who stop half way in the face of obstacles will have nothing to their credit at all.
          3. Then there was Robert Webster, who said on national television Tuesday night that he had a three-month supply of food and water in his house in case bird flu becomes a serious human pandemic.(英译汉)
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查看完整版本: 每日英语:繁花似锦的公园