1. 我只当过十年的教师。那是一九二六年我从美国留学回来,在母校燕京大学国文系当了一名教师。那时系里的主任和教师大半是我的老师。校内其他科、系里也有我的老师。总之,全校的教师都是我的师辈!因此在开教授会的时候,我总是挑个极边极角的座位,惶恐地缩在一旁。大家都笑着称我为Faculty Baby(教授会的婴儿)。那一学期我还不满二十六岁。2. Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death。(英译汉)
1. 前几天,窗外一阵阵的喧哗笑声,惊动了我。往外看时,原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢!女学生穿的羽绒衣,毛衣,红红绿绿的;男学生有的穿绿军装,有的穿深色的衣服。他们拿着种种工具,锄土的锄土,铲土的铲土,安放矮栏的就在场地边上安插下小铁栏杆。看来我们楼前这一大片土地,将会被这群青年人整治成一座绿草成茵、繁花似锦的公园……
Several days ago, I was suddenly disturbed by a joyous din from outside the window. Looking out of it, I saw scores of boy and girl students in the middle of tidying up the open ground. The girls were in colourful down jackets or woolen sweaters, and the boys were in green army uniforms or dark-coloured jackets. They worked with hoes or shovels. Some were busy fencing off the land with iron-bar railings. Evidently, they were trying to turn the wide open ground in front of our building into a garden bright with lush green grass and blooming flowers.
2. The mother is undergoing the joyful pain, and the painful joy of childbirth. (英译汉)