1. 我对这个消息半信半疑。2.我们绝不能回到过去那种状况,把经济搞得死死的。
3. 轮番提价势必影响经济和社会的稳定,又搞得人心惶惶。
4. 在这个问题上,一个明事理的人一定也会承认,我们不可能去证明某个说法是正确的。
5. 她是个大大咧咧的女人,总是把忧愁抛至九霄云外。
6. The question is inherently insoluble, but self-esteem conceals this from most people.(英译汉)
1. 那个小姑娘真是伶牙俐齿。
That little girl has a ready tongue.
2. 他在演讲中用了许多术语,使听众听了莫名其妙。
He used so many technical terms in his speech that the audience could make neither head nor tail of it.
3. 如果一个国家能够有效地利用所有的信息,那么将会在科学研究、教育、经济发展等领域受益。
If a nation can make effective use of all the information it will benefit in the fields of scientific research, education, economic development, etc.
4. 该国所需要的是建立一个全国性的“信息网络”,从而把科学家、商人、教育家等联系起来。What the nation needs to do is to establish a nation-wide “information network”, so as to link up scientists, businessmen, educators, etc.
5. 如果能建成这样一个网络,这将促成该国的第二次信息革命。
If such a network is set up, it will promote the second information revolution in the country.
6. A measure of privatization of adoption is called for, with a diminution in the powers of ideological apartheiders of the Nanny State*.(英译汉)