英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-14 23:43:37


  1. 这是暴风雪欲来的先兆。
          2. 心脏能安全地打开,其瓣膜能安全地修复。
          3. 如何机器,若已知其输入力和输出力,则可以求出其机械效益。
          4. 我觉得《围城》里的人物和情节,都凭他那股子痴气,呵成了真人真事。
          5. 孩子们是可爱的,他们天真,坦白,热情,心里想到什么就说什么,没有丝毫虚伪,没有丝毫勉强。
          6. Rods and wires shall have a smooth finish, free from surface imperfections, corrosion products, grease or other foreign matter which would affect the quality of the weld.(英译汉)
          1. “全球化”:幸耶不幸?
          Is “Globalizing” Help or Hurting?
          2. 世界上最早的炸药是在中国制造和使用的。
          The first explosive in the world was made and used in China.
          3. 他殉了自己的理想,是有意义的。
          He had died for his ideal—a meaningful death.
          4. 但是现实地考虑一下,我们不得不正视这样的事实:我们的前景不妙。
          But having considered realistically, we had to face that our prospects were less than good.
          5. 按理说,他这样的庸才,正该发迹才是,可是不知为什么,只是不得意。
          Yet he failed somehow, in spite of a mediocrity which ought to have insured any man a success.
          6. Reading to the mind what exercise is to the body.(英译汉)
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