英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-14 23:42:17


  1. 我妹妹在等我,我得走了。
          2. 海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。
          3. 应该把这些文件公之于众,交由公众审议了。
          4. 近几年网游产业在高科技的光环下飞速发展。
          5. 2004年中国网游产业利润高达4.5亿美元,但深埋其中的隐患却没有引起多少人的注意,结果上网成瘾的人数在不断增长。
          6. Our ingenuity can certainly devise means of holding down energy consumption and tapping new sources. (英译汉)
          1. 她吓得昏了过去。
          She had such a fright that she fainted.
          2. 计算机刚出现,人们就把它的运算情况与思维或人脑作比较。
          As soon as the computer came into being, man began to compare its operations with thinking and the brains.
          3. 此后,有关人工智能的讨论一直在进行。
          Since then, discussions on artificial intelligence have been in progress.
          4. 现在,有关这个问题出现了一些意见截然相反的争论。
          Now there are arguments both pro and con concerning this question.
          5. 然而,普遍的看法是,既然智能是人所表现的一个特征,而计算机只是一台按程序编制者的指令行事的哑巴机器,机器永远不会像人那样具有智能。
          But it is generally assumed that since intelligence is a characteristic exhibited by man and a computer is a dumb machine which does only what the human programmer tells it to do, a machine can never be as intelligent as a man.
          6. Why carry coals to Newcastle? (英译汉)
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