英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-14 23:42:15


  1. 玛丽会讲汉语,而且讲的很好。
          2. 你提的建议比小吴提的要切实可行。
          3. 这位丈夫责备他的太太,他的太太也责备他。
          4. 今年我省在引进工作方面又取得了重大成就。
          5. 这是一个秋天的下午。细雨淅沥,秋风瑟瑟。他们撑着雨伞,攀沿一条弯弯曲曲的山间小道去拜见一位隐居在深山的朋友。
          6. The Foreign Minister’s press conference was a clear effort to preempt a damaging disclosure.
          1. 我妹妹在等我,我得走了。
          My sister is expecting me, so I must be off now.
          2. 海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。
          The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me.
          3. 应该把这些文件公之于众,交由公众审议了。
          It is about time that these documents were available for public scrutiny.
          4. 近几年网游产业在高科技的光环下飞速发展。
          Recent years have seen rapid development of the Internet gaming industry, in the guise of high technologies.
          5. 2004年中国网游产业利润高达4.5亿美元,但深埋其中的隐患却没有引起多少人的注意,结果上网成瘾的人数在不断增长。
          In 2004, this sector’s profit was massive $450 million, but the looming danger of addiction seems to have escaped people’s attention. As a result, the number of addicted people has kept rising.
          6. Our ingenuity can certainly devise means of holding down energy consumption and tapping new sources. (英译汉)
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