1. 好汉做事好汉当。2. 他们的斗争是很得人心的。
3. 有些人认为要在本月完成这一任务是不可能的。
4. 暴风雨把小屋冲坏,他们只好住在一个窑洞里。
5. 走廊里放着一片雨伞,少说也有二十把,五颜六色,大小不等。
6. Deaths and fasts are provoking bombings, gun battles, riots and public concerns. (英译汉)
1. 他个子不高,脾气却见长。
His temper is as short as he himself is.
2. 我的手指夹在门缝里,压得又青又紫。
My finger was caught in the crack of the door, and got pinched black and blue.
3. 我把这本书放在手边,仅仅是以备不时之需。
I keep the book handy just in case.
4. 在对敌斗争中,我们要避免冤枉好人。
In the struggle against enemies, we should avoid wronging an innocent person.
5. 天下真有这样标致的人儿!我今日才算看见了!况且这通身的气派竟不像老祖宗的外孙女,竟是嫡亲的孙女似的,怨不得老祖宗天天嘴里放不下。
She’s a beauty, Grannie dear! If I hadn't set eyes on her today, I shouldn't have believed that such a beautiful creature could exist! And everything about her so distingue! She doesn't take after your side of family, Grannie. She's more like a Jia. I don't blame you for having gone on so about her during the past few days."
6. People are far more predisposed to making contact with each other than social conventions allow. (英译汉)