英语口语小对话:电灯泡 局外人
平时我们见到的各种车车轮数量以两个三个四个为主。因为这几个轮子已经足够用了。如果再画蛇添足的安上第五个轮子,就多此一举,也没有多余用处了。所以,英语中,就常用短语the fifth wheel, 来表达“无用的;局万人”甚至我们常说的“电灯泡”了。口语小对话:
A: You come back so earlly. The party is boring? 你回来的这么早。舞会没意思?
B: All the boys and girls were dancing at the party while I sat at a table alone, feeling like a fifth wheel. 晚会上,所有的男孩和女孩都在跳舞,只有我孤零零地坐在桌边,感觉自己仿佛是一个多余的人。
虽然现在很多机车,特别是越野车的后面也会备上一个备用轮胎,但它们称之为spare wheel,或者spare tyre. 而不能称为the fifth wheel.
The chair is a fifth wheel, please take it away. 这把椅子是多余的,请把它搬走。
A mother-in-law on a honeymoon is a fifth wheel. 度蜜月时,丈母娘是个大电灯泡。
We decided to fire that worker, he was just a fifth wheel. 我们决定开除那个工人,他不过是个多余无用之人。
My son asked me to come help at his school track meet I felt fifth wheel when I got there: they already had enough people to help so I stood there feeling useless. 我的儿子要我在他学校开运动会的时候去帮忙。可是,我到了那里觉得自己似乎是多余的,他们已经有好多人在帮忙,我只好站在那里没事干。”
有关the fifth wheel的用法我们暂时了解到这里,记得一定要和spare wheel进行区别。它们分别表示“无用的;局外人”和“备用轮胎”。好了,本期就说到这里。下期再见吧。