英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-12 14:30:03



          【解析】本话题与个人品质相关,与预测文章中的教育学习类相类似(学历不能证明一切,也并不是所有所需要的东西都可以从学校从书本中获得)。题干要求a brief description of the picture and then discuss what qualities an employer should look for in job applicants. 仔细审题之后会发现,题干要求讨论的重点在于employer雇主应该看重求职者的什么品质。于是,即使有些同学Ph.D这个单词不认识也没有关系,因为审题完毕之后,已经可以完全掌握出题人要求学生的写作落脚点在于雇主对求职者品质的要求。
          Employers often say, “the only thing we care about is your ability.” Ironically, it is easier said than done. As is vividly shown in the cartoon, in front of the job seeker who holds a master degree stands a recruiter, holding the resume in his hand and refusing the graduate because of other applicants’ Ph.D background.
          The drawing, undoubtedly, has symbolically revealed a serious problem is our daily life: an increasing number of employers lay more emphasis on applicants’ diploma then on their other abilities including social skills and practical ability. Why does this phenomenon emerge? Most importantly, under the test-oriented education system, higher degree might be a good way for recruiters to hire a potential “perfect” worker. Actually, due to a lack of attention on employee’s practical experience, it is hard for employers to hire a satisfied worker.
          The situation being so serious, it is high time that we took effective and efficient measures to solve the problem. On one hand, companies should judge a candidate in a rational and reasonable way. On the other hand, we ourselves could take practical actions to improve our social skill. Only in this way can we make job hunting market and working environment healthier.
          Employers often say, “the only thing we care about is your ability.” Ironically, it is easier said than done. As is vividly shown in the cartoon, in front of the job seeker who hold a master degree stands a recruiter, holding the resume in his hand and refusing the graduate because of other applicants’ Ph.D background.
          The drawing, undoubtedly, has symbolically revealed a serious problem is our daily life: an increasing number of employers lay more emphasis on applicants’ diploma then on their other abilities including social skills and practical ability. Admittedly, some people hold the view that diploma might be a good way to judge candidates in job interview. Yet, the rest hold the other side of this picture. They argue that the recruiter probably neglect the actual working experience and social skill of applicants which is more important than these so-called certificates. For example, a worker with a bachelor degree and long-term working experience might have a better performance than one with higher degree.
          To my way of thinking, the companies should judge all the candidates in a reasonable and rational way. Only with a comprehensive consideration of all applicants can the employer have the best workers they want.

enthree 发表于 2016-7-12 14:55:26


          【解析】这篇文章比较难写之处在于很多学生审题不清,图画看不懂,难上加难在于很多考生不懂图画下方的文字到底是做何解释?其中一个单词比较难的是fiction (虚构的事,小说)。一个学生问图书馆人员,哪里可以找到不学习就可以在学校表现很好的书籍?图书馆人员指向远方,示意他在“虚构的或者小说区”。明显告诉这个学生,学习没有捷径,不读书是不可能取得好成绩的。
          其实,题干要求a brief description of the picture and then discuss whether there is a shortcut learning. 考生除了要简要描述图画,还需要讨论一下有没有学习的捷径存在。这才是文章讨论与写作的关键。从当前社会上一些学生一味地寻求学习的捷径这一现象入手,这篇文章只能转化为一片现象类或是问题解决类文章,这样会比较容易写作。毕竟,一味寻求学习的捷径,更倾向于一篇批判类文章写作。
          As is vividly shown in the caricature, in front of the consulting desk stands a student, asking the librarian where to find a book. Meanwhile, the librarian points to somewhere. Below the cartoon, there is a sentence which says, “ How to do well without studying is over there in the fiction section.”
          Simple as the picture is, it does mirror a not uncommon social issue that an increasing number of students depend too much on shortcuts of learning. Taking a look around, numerous cases can be listed with ease. For instance, some students download essays from Internet and copy them to “make” their own paper for the final assignment. Even worse, searching information online and translate the homework just through Google translation. As a result, college students in mounting lost their ability of critical thinking. Attending in college is nothing but a waste of time and money.
          The situation being so serious, it is high time that we took effective and efficient measures to solve the problem. Most importantly, we ourselves should take practical actions to learn in an active way and absorb the essence of learning. Only in this way can we taste the fruits of knowledge.

ensix 发表于 2016-7-12 15:32:50


          相类似的是,这篇文章也提到了科技对人生活的影响,侧重对学习的影响。正如题干要求那样,除了要简要描述图画,还需要考生能够谈一谈whether technology is indispensable in education(科技在教育中是否为必须)。这篇文章就可以转化为观点类的议论文,科技对教育的影响,仁者见仁智者见智;然而,这篇文章也可以转化为现象类的说明文,谈一谈科技对教育的不好的影响,也就是学生往往过度依赖科技,导致缺乏了独立思考的能力。
          Almost no on can have failed to notice the impact of technology on our daily life, especially on education. As is subtly indicated above, in front of a blackboard stands a student, trying to answer the teacher’s simple question about the result of”2 X 2 ”. Yet, he says, “ I’m going to need the tech support.” The teacher seems to be angry.
          Simple as the picture is, it does mirror a not uncommon social phenomenon that an increasing number of students rely on technology overly. Admittedly, technologies, especially the computer and Internet, enhance our work or study efficiency many times. Yet, others hold the other side of this picture. They claim that the more frequent way for the students to deal with their assignment is searching answers online or using electronic dictionary to write English sentence. Thus, college students in mounting numbers are losing the ability of thinking independently.
          To my way of thinking, technology, if used carelessly or without restraint, could prove to be a double-edged sword. Therefore, what we should do is to absorb the essence and neglect the drawbacks. Only in this way can we taste the fruits of technology and keep our way of thinking independently.
          Almost no on can have failed to notice the impact of technology on our daily life, especially on education. As is subtly indicated above, in front of a blackboard stands a student, trying to answer the teacher’s simple question about the result of”2 X 2 ”. Yet, he says, “ I’m going to need the tech support.” The teacher seems to be angry.
          Simple as the picture is, it does mirror a not uncommon social phenomenon that an increasing number of students rely on technology overly. Why does this phenomenon emerge? Most importantly, technology enables us to obtain more convenience services. The convenience brought by digital products does enhance our study efficiency many times, such as the electronic dictionary. Thus, many of us begin to neglect the drawbacks of it and lose the ability to think the question by ourselves.
          The situation being so serious, it is imperative that effective and efficient actions should be taken. Technology is a double-edged sword. Therefore, what we must do is to enjoy the progress brought by it and avoid depending too much on digital products. Only in this way can we taste the fruits of technology and keep our way of thinking independently.
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查看完整版本: 新东方潘赟:2014年12月四六级全解析-六级写作