- To pull the plug on something 终止、遏止 (0篇回复)
- To have a crush on someone 迷恋某人 (0篇回复)
- To be on the same wavelength 意气相投 (0篇回复)
- To fall for someone 迷恋一个人 (0篇回复)
- To get your wires crossed 产生误解、误会 (0篇回复)
- To throw a wobbly 非常愤怒、极不高兴 (0篇回复)
- To be firing on all cylinders 状态绝佳 (0篇回复)
- To make a song and dance about something 小题大做 (0篇回复)
- To blow a fuse 勃然大怒 (0篇回复)
- To have a change of heart 改变主意,改变态度 (0篇回复)
- Take the field 运动员登场,上场 (0篇回复)
- To get something out of your system 发泄 (0篇回复)
- To harp on about something 喋喋不休 (0篇回复)
- To have your heart in the right place 好心好意,心地善良 (0篇回复)
- To pop the question 求婚 (0篇回复)
- The salt of the earth 诚实善良的人 (0篇回复)
- At each other’s throats 唇枪舌战地争吵 (0篇回复)
- Not for all the tea in China 有天大的好处也不干 (0篇回复)
- To be in a (bit of a) pickle 碰到小麻烦 (0篇回复)
- To have bigger fish to fry 另有要事要办 (0篇回复)